Nadine Griffey
Academy of Kenya
A Nonprofit 501 C(3)
The Nadine Griffey Academy of Kenya is focused on transformational change through education. To that end, the foundation is organized under the laws of the State of CA as a nonprofit public benefit corporation. As a nonprofit, NGAK is exempt from Federal Income tax under section section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and, as such, can receive tax deductible contributions under section 170 of the code. Our nonprofit is also approved by the State of CA to receive charitable contributions. The Nadine Griffey Academy of Kenya has also been registered as a nonprofit charitable organization under the laws of Kenya.
Academy Uniqueness
Sponsored students become part of the academy family in our unique program. We offer not only 100% financial funding for all school and personal expenses, but ongoing encouragement, assistance with everyday needs and wise counsel for emotional or psychological struggles. Additionally, we host weekend retreats to build a sense of family and celebrate successes and graduations. During the Great Pandemic, we provided laptops, cell phones, and the necessities of life for our students’ safety and health. This technology enables us to communicate directly with our kids through email, Skype, or Zoom.
Academy Expenses
Donations exclusively support our sponsored students and pay all their expenses. All board members serve without compensation.
Annual Operating Expenses
The expense to send each student to a private or public boarding school varies. In summary, it takes about $2000-$2200 US Dollars per year to sponsor each child in primary school. For secondary school the costs increase to $3280-$3400 annually; at the university level costs are $4860-$5200 depending on majors selected.
How You Can Help
JOIN THE TEAMWon’t you consider donating regularly or making a one-time contribution so that we can add more students to our family? Here’s how: There are four (4) ways you can help us support the orphans:
- Send a donation through PayPal. It is a simple process. Go to our account at The directions will show you how to send a donation either directly from your bank account or by use of a credit card.
- Send a donation by check to: Nadine Griffey Academy of Kenya, c/o Larry L. Hines, 2390C Las Posas Road #249, Camarillo, CA 93010-3403. Please indicate if the money is to support an orphan or for contribution for the children’s home.
- Set up a regular monthly donation as an automatic payment from your checking account.
- Consider including the Academy in your estate plan. See Planned Giving for an explanation of the many ways in which you can make the orphans part of your charitable gifting.